Altro Cantata Bluebell AFP282004

Price (inc. VAT): £45.81 per m2

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Tonal and modernist, adhesive-free floor for maximum impact with minimum downtime. Enhanced cleanability makes it ideal for busy public spaces where disruption needs to be minimal and it has no associated adhesive odours. It features our award-winning adhesive-free installation method for same day weld and walk, easy end of life removal, re-use or recycling.

Technical summary

Type of product: Roll
Slip risk: Low
Thickness:: 2.4mm
Life expectancy: 15 years
No. of colours: 17
Weight: 2.4 kg/m²

Technical details

  • LRV: 26
  • Weldrod: WR398
  • AltroMastic 100: A1M398

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